More postfix spam blocking and Whitelisting….

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

I almost forgot to pass along a link to a more comprehensive detailing of postfix’s anti-uce controls…. here. Also, in the last article I briefly mentioned whitelisting. IF you intend to have several blacklists active it will pay to learn how to whitelist before you HAVE to. To do so, I simply created a text […]

Cutting Short, splitting or truncating mp3 files…

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

from the command line in linux… or generating them from Wavs…. So, I’ve got this CD that I’ve made and is up for sale at traditional hymns done as “chimes”. I’ve spent quite a bit of time recording to hard drive, editing and getting the wav files as good as possible and I’ve uploaded […]

Flashing bios pain in the neck….

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

One of the “project machines” I’ve had that’s been retired from other service was to become a “storage server” this week. The twin 250GB drives had arrived and I was ready to setup a RAID1 array (mirroring essentially…) in software and use Ubuntu 6.06 as the base operating system. I had already wiped the other […]

Strange net problems with a Netgear FS608 switch

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

This was weird and now that the switch is replaced I haven’t been able to duplicate it, but let me explain. There was a netgear fs608 (8 port unmanaged) switch plugged into a linksys router (model number not noted.) The cable was straight (although the fs608 has support for link through straight or crossover cables.) […]

Google trying to warn about dangerous pages

Friday, August 4th, 2006

SunbeltBlog is talking about a new sign that Google is stepping up to try to protect users against potentially malicious sites. They have a screenshot, which I was able to verify, that gives a warning before allowing a user to proceed to a page that “Warning – the site you are about to visit may […]

WordPress 2.0.4 Update

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

It has been a few days now, but I noticed that WordPress 2.0.4 has now been released and is highly recommended due to the fixing of a few security issues. They also list a number of bugfixes as well. So, if you’re running a site based on wordpress it’s time to update. It’s really a […]

Firefox out and be cautious with extensions…

Monday, July 31st, 2006

Well, let’s start with the extensions first. Like ANY software, you should be cautious installing something from an untrusted source. If you think an extension looks neat and cool – look for reviews and third party information before installing it. That much said…. never install an extension that comes attached as an unexpected email…. Apparently, […]

Firewall musings…

Friday, July 14th, 2006

Yesterday I had a bit of a realization. I had just been looking at a wireless router/firewall setup and was thinking about the firewalling rules (which seemed to be geared at the WIRELESS lan… i.e. blocking that activity on the Wireless segment.) You know, traditionally firewalls have had the attitude of defending the internal network […]

Real VNC 4.1.1 vulnerability – Remote Access without password

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

This is one worth checking out anybody using vnc for remote administration. It looks as though intelliadmin has come across a vulnerability in Real VNC 4 (the slashdot post I saw suggested “any machine running VNC 4.1”) I haven’t tested yet, so I don’t know if this ONLY affects REALVNC’s implementation or is broader. They […]

Make an autorun cd show a web document on autoplay…

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

There’s a utility called Thumbs that looks like a good quick way to make a cd launch a web documented on autoplay in Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/ …Of course, autoplay under windows is fairly easy to setup. If you have a program on the disk you can just have autorun.inf in the root directory of the cd […]
