Vista kill switch may push people to linux

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

It’s not really a surprising headline. I think anytime a proprietary vendor tightens the screws a bit to limit piracy they are going to force people to other, competing products. Especially when there’s a significant cost difference involved. If there are three t-shirts for sale, one for $5 with no logo and another for $50 […]

By the way, the US commerce dept. computers are under attack….

Friday, October 6th, 2006

Shouldn’tthis and this get more news coverage? US Commerce Department computers (specifically a bureau responsible for export licenses) is under cyber attack from hackers based in China. The Bureau in question is the Bureau of Industry and Security…. which handles “U.S. exports which have both commercial and military applications”…. They’ve been targetted by various rootkits […]

Tools of the trade – USB2.0 to IDE & SATA Cable

Friday, September 1st, 2006

Today is the first chance I”ve had to try out my new usb/ ide adapter “in the field”. I have previously used external ide enclosures for either laptop (2.5″) or desktop (3.5″) drives as well as larger (5.5″ cdrom’s) But, it was a bit of a nuisance to have to remove the drive that I […]

The great firewall of China

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

The great firewall of China may be just an illusion in technical terms. This article describes the details of how things work…. Basically when “banned content” is detected, both ends of the connection are sent a flood of tcp reset packets. Which (if both sides are designed to pay attention to) means that the two […]

Translating web pages

Friday, May 5th, 2006

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before here, but languages are one of the things that fascinate me. I’ve studied Spanish, German and French. Although right now I would barely be able to recognize a handful of words in German and French. Of late, spanish has been the language I’ve focused on *(3 1/2 […]

Google explains Google China Decision

Friday, January 27th, 2006

The Official Googleblog has an article today about their decision to filter results in China. I took a look at the Chinese version today (I saw an image search comparing Tienamen (spelling?) results in English and Chinese. I also searched for my site and found that I seem to be absent from the Chinese search […]

Tools of the trade – Compactflash card reader

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

I’ve probably mentioned before that I like the compactflash format for “digital media”. My camera uses Compactflash, so does the nexia audio player I use and the old used pda I’ve got, uses compactflash, so…. I have a variety of cards around, I’ve got an 8MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 512MB and 1024MB card around somewhere. […]

Dell recalling 35,000 notebook batteries

Friday, December 16th, 2005

Ouch, Dell is recalling 35,000 notebook batteries that were shipped between October 5rd and 13th of this year. They were made in China or Japan and “pose a risk of fire.” There is a web-site setup by Dell on the issue… here. They also suggest “Batteries subject to recall should not be used while awaiting […]

How festive – the dasher worm…

Thursday, December 15th, 2005

The securityfix is reporting on a new worm that exploits an older Windows vulnerability. The worm is called dasher and is in at least it’s second iteration. Sans noticed an odd increase in port 1025 scans on the tenth of the month which was early activity of this worm. It looks like the first version […]

Mobile browsers also eat into Internet Explorer’s market share

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005

Yesterday there were articles and blog posts comparing the next generation of the big three browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. Among the insightful comments on one of those articles, there was the observation that Firefox’s market share of (up to) 15% (more on tech oriented sites), gave webmasters a reason to abandon a one-browser […]
