Adsense UsernamePasswdNotMatch

Monday, October 6th, 2008

So, I went to adsense to check my stats and I get a page that is almost blank with the only text showing being UsernamePasswdNotMatch Ahhhhh…. what have I done to upset the Google overlords….. It sounds like just clearing your browser cache and trying again should get you in. It’s also possible that this […]

Time, value, ROI, Google and this site…. Googlebummed

Friday, October 27th, 2006

This is a fairly significant “state of this site” type post and well… if you’re a usual visitor you might want to read/skim this one. It’s been about 15 months or so since the last big redesign of this site and as some long time lurkers may know, the updates were FEW and far between […]

Roll your own search engine… sort of…

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Several blog posts have heralded the arrival of Google’s newest toy, a custom search engine setup… sort of Through Google Coop you can design a search engine that only covers the sites you want it to cover (or favor, it can search the web and just be biased towards the sites you prefer.) Of course, […]

The Spam fight turns to blogs….

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

I’ve detailed some of the struggles I had for a bit with FLOODS of comment spam. Details of the issue and a fix which has been rock solid for WordPress can be found in the following posts (reverse chronological order): Update on comment spam storms, trackback spam countermeasures such as akismet and trackback validation, another […]

Clickbot – new bot tactic…

Monday, May 15th, 2006

There is a new twist on the bot networks that have been the plague of computing in recent years. This one is called ClickBot. The story is from Many sites, (like this one) use adsense to “monetize their content”. The idea is that advertisers bid on “clicks”. So, if I wanted to advertise on […]

More Google Referral links

Friday, May 5th, 2006

New category for Google Adsense – I talk about it enough here…. anyway. I’ve noticed today that they’ve expanded the referrals program. When it started, the deal was $1 for Mozilla Firefox (with Google toolbar) referrals and then the Google Adsense referral for which you earned $100 (If I recall correctly), when the signup earned […]

Adwords Referrals from Google

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

I noticed something yesterday when I had logged into the adsense page at Google. They’ve now added “adwords” referrals. For those that don’t know – Adwords is the name for the program where you can advertise your site on google, or through their advertising network (such as this site for example.) The deal seems to […]

Google adsense unavailable

Saturday, December 17th, 2005

Just noticed that for the last (hour?) the main adsense login site has been down with an interesting multi-language error message page. Ads seem to be served still, but the login is offline at the moment. And back up by 1AM EST 12/17/05.    Send article as PDF   

Google Adsense changes

Friday, December 16th, 2005

I see a couple changes mentioned over at the official adsense blog. It looks as though there are new ways to customize search boxes for google adsense. Also it looks like there’s more assistance for those sufferers from Google adsense disorder.    Send article as PDF   

Microsoft may pay for search users?

Friday, December 9th, 2005

Infoworld has an interesting article this afternoon, that suggests that Microsoft may pay users of their MSN search out of the ad revenue that Microsoft earns from their new adertising service. Speaking of Google, Bill Gates says… But they don’t share these advertising revenues with the end users who help them get the revenue, Gates […]
