Online Domain Research Tools | Whois

Monday, August 4th, 2008

Whois lookups are a handy and useful way to find out who owns a domain and when it expires. Sometimes it’s easier to do a whois lookup on a domain YOU own to see when it expires than it is to go back and check your (or your organizations) records. These days the online domain […]

Handy DNS tools online

Monday, January 29th, 2007

There are some tools that I make use of almost daily. Either because something strikes my curiousity or because of necessity to find out a bit more about a computer issue. DNS lookup tools fall into the category of “must have” for the kind of stuff I wind up doing. Whether it’s a whois lookup […]

Handy Online Network Tools

Monday, December 5th, 2005

Most of the time when I need to do a Dig or whois or traceroute I’m at a machine that I can use a good command line version of these essential network utilities. However, there are always times when you’re at a PC or situation that is either missing some of those, or you’d rather […]
