BIOS Beep Codes

Friday, November 18th, 2005

One of the nice things about working on computers is that when it comes to the raw hardware of a system, the engineers have designed a way to communicate what’s wrong (even if it’s just a general idea) even when the hardware has a pretty serious problem. When a computer boots it goes through a […]

Free training videos

Sunday, November 13th, 2005

For those of you that can’t be dropped into an application and “wing it” learning by doing, newsforge has announced some training videos that are now available for free download. So, if you ever wanted or needed a video walkthrough for you or someone else on OpenOffice it looks like that need has been […]

VideoC is not a real video player

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

Sunbeltblog has a story about the “VideoC” video player… apparently they discovered this when visiting a site. A video starts to play and then abruptly stops and claims that “VideoC” player needs to install to view the clip. VideoC is not REALLY a video player just a clever way to get loads of spyware on […]

Transgaming Cedaga 5.0 (Winex) release

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

Well, it looks like Transgaming has released 5.0 of Cedaga Cedega (Winex) on the schedule they announced. And to quote from the release notes here are some of the new features….    Send article as PDF   

Adware, spam, bots, keyloggers, 180solutions, etc. etc. etc. oh my…

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

Spyware Confidential has an article and there are more details at the spyware warrior. Of a particularly bad spyware infestation triggered by the visit to ONE web site.    Send article as PDF   

New release provides more 3d drivers for ATI cards

Wednesday, August 10th, 2005

According to Barrapunto and Linux Juegos (Spanish for Linux Games), the release of “ 7.0 RC0” (RC zero?)…. will provide more 3d graphics drivers. “Outstandingly improved support for 3d acceleration” especially for ATI cards is how I interpret the news….    Send article as PDF   

Doom on the iPod?

Wednesday, August 10th, 2005

The Register is reporting on the iPod linux project and a developer “Kyle” there that has made Doom run on the platform. It gets a painful 3-4 frames per second. One of the next goals is to scale the video to the iPod display and get sound working.    Send article as PDF   

Linux – ToVid for vcd creation

Tuesday, August 9th, 2005 has an article about ToVid, a utility to help convert video into VCD format. ToVid started out as just a VCD imager for mpeg files, but has expanded to be able to handle most video formats for input. It can also work with dvdauthor and other tools depending on whether you want to creat […]

AOL purchases wireless company

Monday, August 8th, 2005

AOL has purchased Wildseed according to The Register. Wildseed provides wireless “accessories” such as ring tones, video downloads, backgrounds, etc. AOL recently bought a company involved in online storage of files, Xdrive.    Send article as PDF   

Ever want to publish a book?

Monday, August 8th, 2005

This is a WOW idea. This article at the Financial Mirror, talks about Bob Young, the founder of Red Hat Linux, and his latest venture. The venture is called Lulu and if you’ll pardon me it’s a “Lulu” of an idea. Basically, if you have a book you would like to get published you can […]
