Daylight Savings Changes on linux systems

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Might should have typed this up sooner, but… a while back I did an article on the daylight savings changes with regards to Windows 98 and how timezone editor tzedit could be used to make sure these OS’s kept the correct time. Well, on the linux side of things there’s not a lot to the […]

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS release

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

Probably the biggest news so far today, at least in linux circles is the official release of the Dapper Drake…. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support) (and kubuntu and edubuntu all…). I’ve been playing with an install based on the Release Candidate (and now upgraded to even include KDE 3.5.3….. I’m really impressed that there […]

SuSE Linux opening up

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

I just read at arstechnica that it looks as though Novell is going to try and develop a community around SuSE, much like Red Hat has done with Fedora. They’ll be opening up the code at The goal will be to make it easier for people to get involved with releasing software for SuSE […]

Make your own linux livecd

Monday, August 1st, 2005

I’ve had somewhat of an addiction to the different linux livecds. I can’t seem to help but find it interesting to download and try a new one even if it’s just slightly different from another I’ve seen. I guess part of the reason is I think it’s an important and potentially highly useful area. A […]

Windows Vista?

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

OK, I’m just seeing the news that Microsoft has announced the name for the next version of Windows which has gone under the working name of Longhorn. It’s going to be Windows Vista That may take some getting used to. I guess it’s better than Windows View? There are some funny posibilities though…    Send […]
