Pulling GPS coordinates from Google Earth kmz files

Thursday, July 20th, 2006

We’re planning a quick trip out of town and I’m using the lowly free version of Google Earth that doesn’t integrate with a GPS device. So, I had got a series of places tagged in “My Places” and had sent the kmz file to myself via email. (My primary intent was to try and load […]

Another attempt at different hardware problems

Friday, July 14th, 2006

I mentioned some time ago a frustrating issue with the hardware on my desktop that I had finally solved. I got the new system Which was a 64-bit AMD Athlon on an Asus k8N4-E board and a pci-express nvidia based card (6200 TurboCache), 1 GB of memory… Things worked very nice for a while, rock […]

Google Earth for Linux

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

One of the big linux news stories yesterday was the release of google earth for linux. Essentially the Google earth team has released “release 4” which is a beta version of the next release. It looks like there are greater “user contribution” capabilities with this release. I’ve tried the download for linux and can say […]

Realtime weather data integrated with Google Earth

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

This looks neat…. Noaa has started releasing kml files which are compatible of course, with Google Earth, to mesh the satellite imagery of Google earth with real-time weather information. It’s covered a few places…. The Map Room… and Google Earth Blog… Now you have the graphics necessary to do your own local weather report…    […]

Google Picasa for Linux

Friday, May 26th, 2006

One of the big stories out today… Google has released an “early beta” version of Picasa for linux. I first saw the news from the ZDNet Googling Google blog. There are deb, rpm and bin downloads available. The Official Google blog gives a few more details, for instance… this “magic” is made possible by a […]

Tracking Santa Claus online

Saturday, December 24th, 2005

In the spirit of the day before Christmas, I’ve come across a couple links to help you track Santa Claus’ progress around the world. First up the Google Blog points out that you can track Santa with their Google Earth software. They have a link here that will open in Google Earth –UPDATE Christmas 2006–This […]

MSN Virtual Earth neat tricks

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

I’ve spent some time covering some of the neat implementations of Google Maps and Google Earth, I’ve just come across a site that has similar uses for Microsoft’s MSN Virtual Earth. The site is called viavirtualearth.com and not only links to examples of neat things people have done using Virtual Earth, but also articles and […]

Interesting NASA open source software

Monday, August 8th, 2005

I was just browsing Sourceforge.net and looking at the most downloaded software and something from NASA caught my eye. It’s called World Wind. The link is to their home page (not the project page.) It’s Windows only, but looks very nicely done from what I can see.    Send article as PDF   

Google Earth for linux?

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005

I’ve mentioned Google Maps several times. *(Microsoft VirtualEarth recently jumped into competition)* Essentially you can browse, search and drag around road maps on the screen, or switch to a satellite view of an area, or even a hybrid mode where you can zoom, click and drag a satellite image with mapping super-imposed. Searches place objects […]

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