Sunncomm/Mediamax software fix FLAWED

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

Once more in the continuing story…. According to freedom-to-tinker, the “fix” released today for the SunnComm/Mediamax DRM software (the “other” DRM software on sony/bmg discs). Is fatally flawed. The problem the software initially poses is much worse than the company lets on in their release and their advise is…. 1) don’t play a mediamax protected […]

Sunncomm/MediaMax software fix released

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

What a long journey it’s been and there is progress in the Sony DRM story. The main issue in the Sony controversy was the XCP DRM software (Digital Rights Management) which was made by first4internet. However, as the first rootkit was discovered, questions began about the MediaMax software (made by SunnComm) which was the OTHER […]
