The Spam fight turns to blogs….

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

I’ve detailed some of the struggles I had for a bit with FLOODS of comment spam. Details of the issue and a fix which has been rock solid for WordPress can be found in the following posts (reverse chronological order): Update on comment spam storms, trackback spam countermeasures such as akismet and trackback validation, another […]

OTHER Sony DRM software has security flaws too.

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

You almost want to bury your head in the sand at this point if you’re Sony…. Freedom-to-tinker has some details. The last couple weeks the XCP copy protection that Sony uses has been the center of a Firestorm for rootkit capabilities and massive security problems. Well, it seems the OTHER Digital Rights Management (DRM) software […]

Sunbeltblog on Windows Vista’s attempt to keep Windows up to speed

Monday, August 8th, 2005

Sunbelt blog has an article about Microsoft’s plan to keep Windows Vista from becomming more sluggish as the system aged. Microsoft’s plan is to run defragmentation in the background and preloading commonly used components as outlined in this article.    Send article as PDF   
