Fab@home 3d printing

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

I wanted to make a note here about a recent news story related to a topic that’s fascinated me for the ~10 years or so since I first heard of such things…. For some time there have been 3d printers. Devices that would use a liquid of some sort to “print” a real physical object. […]

More Vista talk coming in

Friday, June 9th, 2006

While, I’m still waiting to get the Vista Beta download anyway… I’ve seen the first of what I expect will be many posts out and about complaining about the upcoming OS from Microsoft. Admittedly it’s a beta and after seeing a lot of beta-release candidate – final cycles from open source software, I’m sure much […]

Microsoft’s quick response to network worms….

Wednesday, August 17th, 2005

This is an ironic title because frankly, Microsoft has seemed to be slow in solutions for the recent zotob worm. Of course, they announced the vulnerability and accompanying update to solve the issue to begin with, but after the virus started propagating what do we see from Microsoft? They have a page titled What you […]


Monday, August 15th, 2005

A few days ago I wrote about linux alternatives. Along those lines comes DesktopBSD. Based on Freebsd, this project released a second release canditate for their 1.0 release on August 10.    Send article as PDF   

Linux alternatives.

Friday, August 12th, 2005

Once you’ve made the plunge to look at operating systems outside of the Microsoft realm, linux has typically been the easiest accessible. Lot’s of livecds are out there and much can be freely downloaded. Of course there is the Mac as well with Os X. I’ve liked what I have seen of it, but there […]

Using a linux livecd for Data recovery

Monday, August 1st, 2005

This one makes into the hardware AND software categories. I don’t remember how many times I’ve replaced a failing hard drive. Usually the biggest headache and anxiety is if you’ll be able to get any data off of the old drive. Sometimes if luck holds and the system can read both the old and the […]

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