Prepare for the April Fools Spyware Flood

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

I received a message from some at superantispyware in the last day or two that is a well timed and good heads up. Every year there is a surge in spyware, malware and rogue activity around April Fools Day (April 1st). It’s important to be aware and raise our skepticism a bit this time of […]

April Fools…. not observed here….

Friday, April 7th, 2006

I remember a time when I enjoyed April Fools – when I was real little I’d try the outlandish “there’s a tiger in the front yard” kind of stuff, later, perhaps more subtle…. but I’ve NEVER been a fan of the idea of a news reporting organization putting out an april fools story. Every day […]

Windows desktop display upside down

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

I had someone call and start by saying she bet me a dollar I’d never heard of this before…. She said she was doing something (adjusting font size?) and all of a sudden everything on her screen went upside down and nothing will bring it back. I’ve actually heard this before, not too long ago […]
