More WMF exploit testing on Windows 98
I’ve spent some more effort on trying to infect Windows 98 SE in a virtual machine with some of the exploit samples I can find. The first attempt was at a website with the .wmf download. No luck infecting the system there. Then, I’ve loaded up the image and visited kyeu dot info/WMF/ and tried each of the files there. I don’t have a zip handler in my Windows 98 SE image so that didn’t get tested, but I’m getting nowhere here. Gif opens with Explorer and gives a red x to indicate a broken image, the text file opens as a binary file viewed in a text editor, the htm file does the same only in explorer (I see what I’d usually see if I tried to open a binary file in a web browser…) The avi opens with Media Player and complains about it being an incompatible format.
All of these have been scanned by clamav and show up as Exploit.WMF.A – so I’m dealing with the first generation of the exploit (there is detection for Exploit.WMF.B but I’m not sure how effective it is with all the .B variants.)
I can’t seem to find any good examples of a “B” exploit. I guess I could try to load metasploit and see how to generate one? I may give that a try, but this is shaping up to be quite a challenge to actually prove that Windows 98 is vulnerable to what’s going around.
So far, I would say that it’s likely that there is a vulnerability in Windows 98’s gdi32.dll, it may be that there aren’t as many easy avenues to exploit (no shimgvw.dll to work with.) There is a thumbvw.dll, but… the long and short of it is, I’m trying to get Windows 98 SE to fall for the exploit and it’s not happening on my test image.