Windows Run commands reference

One of the frustrating things about windows is having to wander through X number of menus looking for a specific item that you KNOW is there, but just can’t quite find. If ONLY you remembered the command name for it, but the RUN commands are sometimes quite a bit different than the name of the utility or program. After all, the legacy is the 8 character name dos days (8+3 but windows hides the 3…) Well, 156 Useful Windows run commands is for you then. This reference has a good list of some of the more useful of those. (There are a number that are third party software as well.)

Start run can really be such a quick way to launch programs. Now, if only someone could get a Windows version of katapult working it would be EVEN easier to launch things.

I can’t say that linux is better at start…run stuff – the program executable names are usually the real stickler. Although, I will say that IF you know the program name you’re usually in better shape. gimp usually launches the gimp, quanta, akregator, vmware, googleearth, kinfocenter hmmmm maybe I should revise that – linux IS somewhat better at this in some ways. However, even that’s not perfect. It would be nice to see even easier ways of finding the software you want. I mean under linux how many people that have never seen it before would KNOW to run amarok as a media player? Maybe there should be symbolic links for music, web, email, write, video???? Of course some of those might interfere with other software, but it would be an interesting experiment. Of course, the interesting part would be the debate over which program to symlink for each of those…. Anyway I digress.

Maybe I should start a linux run command guide?

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