Today’s Sony DRM rootkit stories….

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

Amazingly I haven’t seen any big Sony news today, but there are a couple stories out that are worth noting… First up is freedom-to-tinker with their take on the lawsuits announced yesterday and the one thing that isn’t getting much press coverage, the MediaMax DRM software. XCP is the name of the rootkit that Sony […]

Cleaning up after the Sony Rootkit

Monday, November 21st, 2005

Sunbeltblog has a suggestion (from Ben Edelman) for SONY on how to get the word out to customers that they have the problem laden XCP/ rootkit/ trojan/ drm software that’s been burning up tech news… Distribute an ad through their own rootkit. It does, after all, “phone home” from time to time and…. it looks […]

The Continuing Stooo-ry of the Sony DRM rootkit debacle….

Sunday, November 13th, 2005

Let’s see there are a couple more notes to pass along on Sony DRM rootkit news. This story could go on for some time, it’s already had legs for about a week or more and just when things started to wind down a bit, there’s a bit more. First up, the EFF has a writeup […]

Sony BMG is still having a bad week….

Thursday, November 10th, 2005

Unfortunately a LOT of people that have bought Sony-BMG cds (or borrowed, whatever…) are going to have some headaches too. By stock in Tylenol or Aleve or something…. anyway… here’s todays roundup of Sony Rootkit news. Including a virus borrowing the gift of SONY… First up is some “backstory” that reminds us of Sony’s attitudes […]

Sony’s DRM song sounding worse by the day

Monday, November 7th, 2005

Well, let’s see…. I didn’t cover the original story since I was covered up with other work, but let me take a stab at starting from the beginning before I tell you how it’s gotten worse. It seems that SONY is concerned about piracy and computers being the tools of pirates (of course, everyone that […]
