Windows XP Unable to Login After Cleaning Out Rogue Antivirus

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

This article may come in handy if you are out there battling the latest rogue du jour. Occasionally I have been through a cleaning process for these rogues and got to a point where the scanner had run and cleaned things out (whether it was malwarebytes antimalware or superantispyware.) It was time to reboot and […]

BBpress integration with WordPress

Monday, March 31st, 2008

I’ve started the process of upgrading several websites to the newest release of WordPress and one of the things that became possible was installing bbpress. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, wordpress is the “blogging” software that I use for this and several other sites. It makes adding content to a website very […]

Great tip for Dealing with SPAM email

Monday, March 17th, 2008

In reading over at the Gmail Blog, I came across this suggestion to try with Gmail. The idea is, let’s say your address is Okay, next time you sign up for a mailing list, or need a free website login, use or or any other unique identifier (something you’ll be able to […]

Varying Degrees of Password Security

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Last week we talked about creating strong passwords, but should we use different passwords for every site? It’s best practice to do just that. Do they all have to be really hard passwords? Again ideally, yes. So, how can we keep up password spreadsheet? Big sheet of paper? Password management program. Some advantages of password […]

Windows lost administrator password rundown….

Friday, January 19th, 2007

I’ve done one or two mentions in the past of ways to recover/reset lost windows passwords and thought it was probably time for another “brain dump/web research dump” of things that I’ve run across. This is not just for lost administrator passwords, but could apply to a lost user account password as well. (I’ve found […]

Nxclient into xubuntu box

Sunday, November 5th, 2006

I like nx server and client, it can really make good use of low bandwidth connections to get a gui link. But, by default it’s quick and easy to setup gnome and kde login sessions within nxclient, but if you’re using xubuntu then you will need to setup a “custom” session and the command is […]

Google sign in’s out of order?

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

Is it just me or does it seem like about half of google sign in pages are out of order. (GMail seems ok) Adwords, Analytics, and Adsense all refuse to bring up the login box. (Main page for adwords and analytics loads, but the iframe that houses the login doesn’t.) It’s about 11:20AM EST now […]

ftp access problems with

Friday, October 27th, 2006

As I’ve mentioned, in the last week, I’ve released a CD through and I’ve also done a calendar, one of the frustrations I’ve had was the inability to do an ftpupload. My username and password were continually rejected. Well, after contacting support and being told someone would be back in touch with me in […]

WordPress “siblings” released… bbpress and mupress

Friday, October 27th, 2006

There are a couple new software packages in wordpress’ family: MuPress which is a multiuser (and multi-site) wordpress archicture… is available. IF that had been available a year ago, I might have based my sites on it, because it sounds as though you could have one backend for several sites. I may yet play around […]

Linux Permissions Headache

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Yikes, what an evening….. it started innocently enough in the afternoon. I have an old Mandrake 10.0 server that I was upgrading clamav on (recent security update). While I was at it, I was reviewing the anti-spam setup to see if I could get any better success with filtering junk mail. spamassassin has had an […]
