Catching up on tech news

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

This afternoon I’ll try to start catching up on some of the tech news I’ve neglected this week. Frankly it seems fairly insignificant contrasted with the disaster along the Gulf Coast. There have been some news items though. I don’t know at this point how I’ll deal with catching up, I may summarize and lump […]

New Orleans Datacenter STILL up and running

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

Of course the thoughts and prayers of the nation and indeed the world are with those in the Gulf Coast area of the U.S. and particularly the situation in New Orleans. I ran across an amazing story of a webhost that is based in New Orleans and their datacenter is still running. They are keeping […]

Lots of news…

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005

It looks as though there are quite a few things that I have skimmed over the last two days and haven’t posted on. I’ve been preoccupied with a couple of projects and frankly following news regarding the hurricane along the Gulf Coast. I thought I’d pass along two links that I’ve been following today specifically […]
