Gmail down September 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

Yes, Gmail was down today, September 1, 2009 for a stretch this afternoon. Really it wasn’t more than about two hours at the most from what I saw and from what I hear IMAP/SMTP access was working although the web interface was down. I found out a few interesting things during the outage though. … […]

Great tip for Dealing with SPAM email

Monday, March 17th, 2008

In reading over at the Gmail Blog, I came across this suggestion to try with Gmail. The idea is, let’s say your address is Okay, next time you sign up for a mailing list, or need a free website login, use or or any other unique identifier (something you’ll be able to […]

Watch what things you store in public places…. part 342

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

Not too long ago there was an article about how people reveal too much about their lives in Google (or other web) calendars AND MAKE PUBLIC…. well I think this takes it a step further. Gmail let’s you access your mail through an RSS feed…. well there are online services that let you subscribe/watch feeds […]

Google Calendar revisited

Monday, May 15th, 2006

When Google Calendar first rolled out, I took a look and was not overwhelmed. Now, I’ve had a chance to revisit and see a few improvements. First, one of my initial problems was that I couldn’t get to calendar from gmail. The code has now been added in the upper left corner to navigate between […]

Time to start cleaning out sites – the internet’s getting too full….

Friday, May 5th, 2006

Or at least Google may be…. stories here and here. The way the Register puts it is that Google is in an arms race with blog spammers, with tools out that can create 100 blogs in 24 minutes and shops that can provide mass numbers of private label articles, they contend that google is drowning […]

Google Calendar escapes into public use..

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

There have been rumors for (years?) a long time at least, that google was preparing something known as cl2 which would be a calendar with full gmail integration. There were screenshots, many of which were photoshopped from another web calendar, but there were others that were more convincing… well, as of late yesterday Google Calendar […]

Google Talk federation….

Tuesday, January 17th, 2006

When Google Talk first came out, many people were excited that they were using the protocol that jabber is built on. There were also disappointments that ALL of the protocol hadn’t been implemented. In fact, the biggest disappointment many had was that a instant messenger user could not IM with a user. That […]

GMail vulnerability on Atom feed?

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

I don’t know about this, and will be curious to see what the answer is…. had the link to a post from a Gmail user who notes… Gmail has the capability to have a feed of your new messages in Atom format. (We’re talking rss feeds here.) That’s all well and good. He went […]

Gmail Virus scanning and more

Thursday, December 1st, 2005

I saw a link yesterday about Gmail adding virus scanning to their featureset. It’s very good to see, they have very good junk filtering at this point and had a blanket policy that .exe’s were banned (which would stop a good percentage of the bugs.) Anyway, it’s good to see this is added. (I wouldn’t […]

Windows Live Mail (Next generation Hotmail) get’s an update

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

Looks like Windows Live Mail Beta has seen an update, this beta program is open to those that request to partake from what I see and is Microsoft’s next generation replacement for Hotmail. It looks like it will be quite well Ajax-ified and some interesting features for classifying mail by senders (known/unknown/unsafe) is interesting.    […]
