More on the Sony XCP DRM (Rootkit)

Monday, December 5th, 2005 has some good detailed analysis on Sony’s (mis) use of GPL software in their XCP DRM (Digital Rights Management) software that’s been at the center of somewhat of a firestorm the last couple months. DRMS was the source of the code that was allegedly misappropriated, but the puzzle was why a Digital Rights Management […]

More on Sony’s copyright infringement with their DRM Rootkit

Monday, November 21st, 2005

“What a tangled web…” there is more today at freedom-to-tinker on the evidence that Sony (and or first4internet), have infringed on copyrighted code in their DRM software XCP which has been at the middle of quite a bit of controversy the last few weeks. Most of the coverage has been on some of the cloaking […]
