Google search results catching up…

Monday, August 7th, 2006

Some time back I complained about the Google indexing of the site after the Big Daddy upgrade. For a good while before Big Daddy, there was usually about a week delay between me posting and there being a full crawl of the posted page which was fairly impressive. Post Big-Daddy the coverage of even previously […]

The Google Problem, or why I’m starting to use MSN and Yahoo more.

Monday, May 15th, 2006

This weekend has been a bit of an introspective for me on why google is still the primary search engine I use. I know, I’ve been a big “fan(?)” of google for quite some time, I’ve obviously incorporated many of their products into my pages and used Google for 99% of my web searching. In […]

More Google weirdness – Google results in flux again?

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

I was just skimming a couple articles after noticing two sites that I had reported to google as having WRONG cache information had disappeared. It looks as though there is a certain amount of flux going on in the Google results (more than I would expect just a usual churn.) For instance, this site has […]

Time to start cleaning out sites – the internet’s getting too full….

Friday, May 5th, 2006

Or at least Google may be…. stories here and here. The way the Register puts it is that Google is in an arms race with blog spammers, with tools out that can create 100 blogs in 24 minutes and shops that can provide mass numbers of private label articles, they contend that google is drowning […]
