Good idea to help limit phishing attacks

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

I saw this a few weeks back and think it’s a good idea. Essentially why don’t we have a .bank domain registration and limit it to just financial institutions the way .gov is limited to government registrations. (and .mil for military, .edu for educational institutions…..) Let’s face it, anyone can register a .com .net or […]

GMail vulnerability on Atom feed?

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

I don’t know about this, and will be curious to see what the answer is…. had the link to a post from a Gmail user who notes… Gmail has the capability to have a feed of your new messages in Atom format. (We’re talking rss feeds here.) That’s all well and good. He went […]


Friday, May 28th, 2004

Well, things are shaping up a little better today on some fronts. My webhosting provider apologized for the offensive tone of the subject of their message to me. (Given that they provided the script that they warned me about.) And they’ve taken my suggestion to pass word along to ALL of their customers that have […]
