Big block of blank space in Add/Remove Programs

Thursday, January 5th, 2006

This isn’t an earth shattering issue, but as I was looking into some other problems on a Windows XP Pro system, I noticed a HUGE blank space in the Add/Remove programs area of the control panel. It was something like this, there were several entries (10 maybe) and then a huge block of blank space […]

Sneaky TorrentSpy bundling…

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

Sunbeltblog is talking about torrentspy, which has licensed their own version of Rufus, a bittorrent client. All well and good, but… they’ve decided to bundle WhenU SaveNow *(adware) with THEIR version of Rufus. This has ticked off the writers of Rufus among others.    Send article as PDF   
